Marvellous stuff - and a breath of fresh air - easily the most reasoned commentary on recent events I've seen in the NZ media space (main stream and otherwise), though Helen Clark was quite good especially in relation to China (though her partisan allegiance to the left parties constrains her commentary a little).

I'm staggered just how propagandised NZ MSM has become and find RNZ's perspectives, these days, extraordinarily one-sided. (TVNZ is normally pretty poor too but I found their coverage of the Whitehouse incident somewhat better). You were right to not focus on the rights and wrongs of the bullying etc - that's really a sideshow to what's going on geo-strategically.

Keep up the good work!

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Thank you Malcom. It is quite the own goal for New Zealand to fall for the language of great power politics which many outlets unquestioningly adopt (the usage de rigueur is "strategic competition" ... like some new Great Game)..

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Appreciate if you can you tell us the key books from Terence O'Brien's from which one may learn about his perspectives on international relations for NZ ,

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I recommend this one:

Consolations of Insignificance: A New Zealand Diplomatic Memoir available at Unity Books, Whitcouls, Amazon etc.


I was considering also reposting Terence's writings that are relevant to current topics on this Substack, if there is interest

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Sorry here is the link https://youtu.be/VjcMoDFU1xg

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Thanks Meredith, will check this out

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I listened to this EU presentation by Jeffrey Sachs which provided a whole new analysis on the US role in geo politics, the Ukraine war etc. and his views on what the EU should do next (without the US). Challenging, interesting and definitely food for thought! Now we have the UK providing billion of pounds of arms to Ukraine so are they any different to the US which Sachs describes as an arms dealer first and foremost. Thanks for this compilation Dan - I will be sharing.

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